Episode #12 Sustainability Part Four: Legacy

Episode #12:

Sustainability Part Four: Legacy

For episode four of our Sustainability series, we’re discussing legacy. Legacy is often known as something you might bequest in a will, such as property. But in general, it is something handed down from your ancestors and something that you will pass down to your predecessors. If we consider the concept of us all being interconnected – that all human beings are one, we can appreciate that everything we do or don’t do is our legacy.

But what does it mean to leave a legacy? I categorize it into two – genetics and work. Our kids will have the legacy of our DNA, but it is our work which will continue to influence the world around us after we pass. Whether that work is kindness, teaching, music or art, whatever you bring to the world will sustain and be there when you’ve gone. That’s your legacy.

It’s especially important to consider your actions and legacy during the times of this virus. Kindness to a store clerk is just as important as a presidential speech, and a simple action can change somebody’s life forever. What you do with your life is significant. Join me this week as I contemplate the different types of legacy and show you why every single thing you do matters.


Why everything you do and how much you, as a human being, matters.

How to consider your own legacy.

What the butterfly effect is and why it’s so important.

How humans are interconnected and what that means in terms of legacy.

Why it is so important to manage your mind and understand the power of the brain.



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