Becoming Virtuosa

The Dr. Crockett Show

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Becoming Virtuosa


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Episode #14  Sustainability Bonus Episode Two: Determined Fierceness

Episode #14 Sustainability Bonus Episode Two: Determined Fierceness

We’ve just finished our four-part Sustainability series, but I felt that there was a need for an additional two bonus episodes to fully complete the series. In today’s bonus episode, we’re discussing gratitude – the quality of being thankful, and the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. It’s the attitude of being thankful and content with the result you’ve created from sustaining through difficult times.

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Episode #13  Sustainability Bonus Episode One: Gratitude

Episode #13 Sustainability Bonus Episode One: Gratitude

We’ve just finished our four-part Sustainability series, but I felt that there was a need for an additional two bonus episodes to fully complete the series. In today’s bonus episode, we’re discussing gratitude – the quality of being thankful, and the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. It’s the attitude of being thankful and content with the result you’ve created from sustaining through difficult times.

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Episode #12  Sustainability Part Four: Legacy

Episode #12 Sustainability Part Four: Legacy

For episode four of our Sustainability series, we’re discussing legacy. Legacy is often known as something you might bequest in a will, such as property. But in general, it is something handed down from your ancestors and something that you will pass down to your predecessors. If we consider the concept of us all being interconnected – that all human beings are one, we can appreciate that everything we do or don’t do is our legacy.

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Episode #11  Sustainability Part Three: Diligence

Episode #11 Sustainability Part Three: Diligence

We’re back this week with the Sustainability series and we’re focusing on diligence. Diligence isn’t flashy or glamorous, it is about consistently showing up and taking action to create results. It is closely related to resilience and tenacity as it involves persevering even when quitting seems more appealing. If you’ve seen Finding Nemo, you’ll recognize Dory’s iconic song “Just Keep Swimming.”

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Episode #10  Sustainability Part Two: Tenacity

Episode #10 Sustainability Part Two: Tenacity

Rocky Balboa said, “It’s not about how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” These words resonate with our current circumstances and remind us that winning is not just about strength, but also about the ability to endure and persist. People with tenacity choose to stick with the problem instead of folding or giving up.

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Episode #9 Sustainability Part One: Resilience

Episode #9 Sustainability Part One: Resilience

With the US and the world at large going through a crisis, this is the perfect time to introduce a four-part series on the subject of sustainability and making it through tough times. I don’t want to only focus on the effects of Coronavirus in this episode, but I know that for a lot of people, that’s where your focus is at the moment and it’s bringing up a lot of worry about the future.

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Episode #8  Write Your Story

Episode #8 Write Your Story

We are finishing up the transformation tool this week, and this last step in the process is called write your story. As you work on all the prior steps to getting where you want to be and becoming your virtuosa self, it’s important to think about how your new state of being will look long-term. There’s no point in making a change without it being sustainable, and so that’s what I’m diving into today.

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Episode #7  Wear Your Crown

Episode #7 Wear Your Crown

Welcome to the sixth step in the transformation process of becoming a virtuosa. This week, I’m showing you how to wear your crown and embrace the challenges that it brings. This step can expose a lot of fear and often feels uncomfortable, but it is a crucial part of creating a life of abundance that you truly love. As I practice putting on the “crown” of being a podcaster and stepping into this arena, I’ve been confronted with negative thoughts and emotions, fearing the public feedback and not wanting to feel rejected.

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Episode #6  Ladders and Bridges

Episode #6 Ladders and Bridges

I’m so excited for this week’s step in the transformation process because it’s my favorite one! As a coach and as a surgeon, I love the “how” of things. And in this step, we get to dig into the “how” of shifting our thoughts and moving from where we are to where we’d like to be. Today we’re talking all about ladder and bridging thoughts, and there is a slight but important difference between them. Ladder thoughts are sequential and build on top of each other.

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Episode #5 “I Am” Thoughts

Episode #5 “I Am” Thoughts

We often tell ourselves things like “I am stressed” or “I am overwhelmed” or “I am not good enough” without catching ourselves in the act. Whatever words follow “I am” is what we become. That means that if we constantly think about how we are not what we want to be, it will be hard to get there. But on the flip side, we can harness the power of these thoughts and start to envision ourselves becoming the virtuosa we’re meant to be.

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Episode #4  Sorting It Out: Thoughts Vs. Circumstances

Episode #4 Sorting It Out: Thoughts Vs. Circumstances

When you get upset about something in your day-to-day life, do you stop to consider what exactly is making you upset? I’ll give you an example. If you’re driving to work and someone cuts you off in traffic, it might make you incredibly angry. In this situation, what’s making you angry? The other driver? Or your thoughts about the other driver?

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Episode #3  Other Awareness

Episode #3 Other Awareness

Now that we have talked about the first couple steps on our journey to becoming a Virtuosa, I want to introduce a new concept to you. This one is all about expanding your awareness about the kind of life you can lead. It’s about opening up what’s possible for you.

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