Episode #18: Create a Life Better than the Buzz with Jennifer Cruikshank I have a fascinating episode for you this week! We’re going to be discussing alcohol or as you might know it – ‘The Buzz’! So many people revert to drinking alcohol to cope with day-to-day...
Episode #17: Learning to Love Plants with Karen Kjaerulff Welcome back to the Becoming Virtuosa podcast! I’m so excited to be able to bring you these interviews. Today’s guest is fellow certified life coach, registered dietician, and wellness expert Karen Kjaeruff....
Episode #16: Brain-Powered Weight Loss with Jenifer Hillman Paredes How many of us have struggled with being overweight at some point in our life? Most of us, right? Obesity can cause an array of physical health issues, but can also be the reason for devastating...
Episode #15: Doctors and Life Coaches… WTF?! With Dr. Noelle Nelson Hello my Virtuosas and Virtuosas in Training, and welcome to the first interview of my latest podcast series. I’m so excited to bring you some real-life girl chat in today’s episode! To kick off...
Episode #14: Sustainability Bonus Episode Two: Determined Fierceness We’ve just finished our four-part Sustainability series, but I felt that there was a need for an additional two bonus episodes to fully complete the series. In today’s bonus episode, we’re discussing...
Episode #13: Sustainability Bonus Episode One: Gratitude We’ve just finished our four-part Sustainability series, but I felt that there was a need for an additional two bonus episodes to fully complete the series. In today’s bonus episode, we’re discussing gratitude –...