Episode 22 Stop Stress Snacking with Robin Ola

Episode #22:

Stop Stress Snacking with Robin Ola

How often do you find yourself reaching for the Cheetos without even realising you’re doing it? If you’re anything like me, that would be a lot! But have you ever thought about why you’re eating? Are you hungry or is there something else going on?

Certified Personal Trainer, Weight Loss and Life Coach, Robin Ola, joins us this week to explain the reasons so many of us overeat.  She talks about how she uses her professional history of helping people manage their health to assist women in addressing the anxiety and worries which cause them to overeat, and how to stop doing it, once and for all!

Tune in this week where we’ll discuss why stress is a huge factor in eating patterns and why our thoughts may not be serving us. We’ll learn three steps we can use to stop ourselves from overeating and why it’s the little things we do which over time ensure we keep the weight off once and for all!


Why you get to decide your thoughts.

Why you’re eating junk even when you know you shouldn’t be.

How to combat stress and anxiety.

How to cultivate habits to stop you from overeating.

Why analyzing your thought processes can help you lose weight.



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