Episode #10 Sustainability Part Two: Tenacity

Episode #10:

Sustainability Part Two: Tenacity

Rocky Balboa said, “It’s not about how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” These words resonate with our current circumstances and remind us that winning is not just about strength, but also about the ability to endure and persist.

People with tenacity choose to stick with the problem instead of folding or giving up. They see the value of holding on and can manage their mindset well. So this week, I want to talk about the ways you can build your tenacity, mentally and physically, because many of you have probably shown tenacity but aren’t even aware of it!

Join me this week as we explore the definition of tenacity, its practical implications, and how we can manage our minds to develop this invaluable quality. I share some valuable exercises to help you build tenacity and share some valuable tools to help you navigate these challenging times.


The true meaning of tenacity and its significance in our lives.

Real-life examples of individuals who have demonstrated remarkable tenacity.

How to develop your mental and physical resilience.

The power of tenacity in navigating the challenges of the Coronavirus pandemic.

The importance of celebrating challenges and moving forward with unwavering determination.



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