Episode #11 Sustainability Part Three: Diligence

Episode #11:

Sustainability Part Three: Diligence

We’re back this week with the Sustainability series and we’re focusing on diligence. Diligence isn’t flashy or glamorous, it is about consistently showing up and taking action to create results. It is closely related to resilience and tenacity as it involves persevering even when quitting seems more appealing.

If you’ve seen Finding Nemo, you’ll recognize Dory’s iconic song “Just Keep Swimming.” This serves as an example of diligence, reminding us that when we face challenges or lack motivation, the answer is often to keep moving forward.

In this episode, I discuss the power of diligence, its importance in major religions, and how to work on yours during this pandemic. I want you to choose one thing you want to be more diligent about and use the insights from this episode to help you improve. Then, each day, just keep swimming.


The role diligence plays in creating your future results.

My own struggles with diligence and how even though I have experienced success, it did not come easily or naturally.

What diligence is and how it shapes your outcomes and results.

Some examples of diligence.

The importance of consistently working towards your goals.



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