Post-Traumatic Growth with Krista St-Germain

Soul Healing Sundays Ep #1:

Post-Traumatic Growth with Krista St-Germain

Welcome to my new series – Soul Healing Sundays! What better way to kick off the series than with the wonderful Krista St-Germain. Krista is a fellow certified life coach, who, following the tragic death of her husband, was left questioning her purpose in life. She now helps others deal with life’s stressful trials and tribulations by teaching them how to feel empowered and respond to trauma as victors rather than victims.

Trauma and grief are painful, and it’s often impossible to see them as opportunities. But when you can recognize the difference between the things that happen to you, and your ability to decide who you want to be when they happen, the rest of life gets so much easier! We have a choice in how we deal with things. We are our own champions, and we’re in control of our thoughts – we just need to learn how.

Join us this week for a fascinating discussion about posttraumatic growth, and how to view grief and trauma for what they are – subjective. There is no right or wrong; no more or less traumatic; just human interpretation. We’ll discover how grief can propel us into growth and how our mindset plays a huge role in the way we cope with bad experiences. This is such a powerful episode for anybody looking for help in dealing with difficult times!


How growth can come as a result of trauma.

How to turn a bad situation into something powerful.

Why people see being a victim as their only option and how to change it.

Why things that happen are factual and it’s our brains that add judgment.

Why grief affects people in different ways and all feelings are valid.



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