Episode 34 Soul Healing Sundays: Owning Your Emotions to Love Your Partner More with Emily Stickler

Episode #34:

Soul Healing Sundays: Owning Your Emotions to Love Your Partner More with Emily Stickler

Welcome back to the Soul Healing Sundays series, I have a super fun and interesting interview for you today! Certified Life Coach Emily Stickler joins us this week to talk about how her experiences with resentment in her relationship led her to do some serious self-development work, and how she uses those experiences to teach other women to get out of a negative headspace and improve their relationships for good.

We tend to think, feel, and react to things based on our inner rulebook, known as ‘The Manual’. This rulebook influences the way we expect others to behave and causes us to internalize stories that are not necessarily true. Often, we don’t even realize we’re doing it! But contrary to what we might think, we are in control of our thoughts and feelings, and it’s our responsibility to choose how we respond to things.

Tune in this week for a fascinating discussion about how owning our own emotions can help improve the relationships in our lives. We’ll share an exercise you can do to work with the stories you’re telling yourself and discover how we can stop causing our own pain once and for all. This episode is a fantastic chance to learn a skill that expands your capacity to love!


Why the way you feel is your responsibility.

How to love your partner more by owning your emotions.

Why love and blame can’t share the same space.

How to communicate effectively in your relationships.

Why your thoughts are just a story you’re telling yourself and how to change them.



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