Episode #3 Other Awareness

Episode #2:

Other Awareness

Now that we have talked about the first couple steps on our journey to becoming a Virtuosa, I want to introduce a new concept to you. This one is all about expanding your awareness about the kind of life you can lead. It’s about opening up what’s possible for you.

So often we go through life and we stay hemmed in by what we’ve done in the past and forget to keep dreaming big for ourselves. But when we stop to look around, when we push ourselves to look outside our comfort zone, we find that there are endless possibilities for us to bring our unique talents to the forefront of our lives. We can create lives we really love.

In this episode we’re talking all about other awareness and how to expand your idea of what’s possible in your life. I want you to stop waiting for permission, or for other people to change, before you wholeheartedly pursue your life.

I’ll share another exercise with you today and some great questions to ask yourself about what you would create if you were functioning at your highest level.


Why becoming a virtuosa is an ideal for ourselves, not a tool for bragging or comparison.

What it means to become other aware.

Why I want you to dream bigger and think outside the box of what you currently have and do in your life.

How to stop waiting for change and start working toward the transformation you want to see.

How to use the transformation tool to take baby steps toward your desired outcome.



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