Episode #17 Learning to Love Plants with Karen Kjaerulff

Episode #17:

Learning to Love Plants with Karen Kjaerulff

Welcome back to the Becoming Virtuosa podcast! I’m so excited to be able to bring you these interviews. Today’s guest is fellow certified life coach, registered dietician, and wellness expert Karen Kjaeruff. Karen combines her scientific background and knowledge of plant predominant nutrition with her skills acquired from becoming certified as a life coach to help her clients achieve lasting weight loss and optimal mental health.

At just 16 years old, Karen discovered she had high cholesterol, and shocked, set off on a journey to lower this through nutrition. This piqued her interest in becoming a dietician and she’s here today to tell us how we can manage our physical and mental health through a plant-based diet.

Join us this week where we’ll learn why addressing the reason you’re eating certain foods might just be the key to losing weight and keeping it off! We’ll discuss why dieting doesn’t have to be a case of all or nothing, and how we can use nutrition to become our virtuosa selves.


How to work with your mind to improve your diet and stop eating junk.

Where to start if you want to transition to a plant-based diet.

Why managing your nutrition can benefit other areas of your life.

How to improve your health regardless of where you’re at in the journey.

Why it’s progress that’s important, not perfection.



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