Episode 19 Life after Hard Choices with Amanda Kingsley

Episode #19:

Life After Hard Choices with Amanda Kingsley

Hello, my virtuosas! What an important discussion I have for you today! I’m joined by fellow certified life coach and post-abortive counselor Amanda Kingsley. After making the difficult decision to undergo an abortion, Amanda was left feeling alone, ashamed, and unsupported in her grief. She now uses her experience to coach and support other women who have also made this difficult choice.

How we behave and treat others is completely within our control, and it’s important to be compassionate, regardless of differing beliefs. So many women are making difficult choices and after doing the hard work, are finding themselves stuck and unable to move forwards. This polarizing discussion is an extremely important one to have – we are all human and this is a human experience!

Join us this week where we’ll discuss why the topic of abortion is far from black and white, and how to love others, even if we don’t agree with the choices they make. We’ll learn how holding space for two very different ideas at the same time can help us suspend judgment and cultivate compassion for ourselves and those around us, and how having our own back can help us move forward with joy.


How to be compassionate to somebody who makes decisions that contradict your beliefs.

Why every hard choice is a fork in the road in the path of our lives.

How to have your own back and keep moving forward.

How to get unstuck following a hard decision.

Why we need to be more open to discussing polarizing topics.



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