Episode #6 Ladders and Bridges

Episode #6:

Ladders and Bridges

I’m so excited for this week’s step in the transformation process because it’s my favorite one! As a coach and as a surgeon, I love the “how” of things. And in this step, we get to dig into the “how” of shifting our thoughts and moving from where we are to where we’d like to be.

Today we’re talking all about ladder and bridging thoughts, and there is a slight but important difference between them. Ladder thoughts are sequential and build on top of each other. We can use these to move step by small step toward our goal. Bridging thoughts are active thoughts, usually using words ending in “-ing”, that remind us that we are progressing steadily toward our goal. 

In this episode you’ll learn how to use both of these thought tools to get closer to your virtuosa self. You can use ladder and bridging thoughts no matter where you are in your process of transformation, and I’ll share some examples of how to apply them in this episode, too. After you listen, I want you to come up with some ladder and bridging thoughts for your own virtuosa goal. 


What ladder and bridging thoughts are and how they work.

How we can move from our current thoughts to the thoughts we’d like to think.

An example of how ladder thoughts can help us think differently about our bodies.

How bridging thoughts can remind us that we are constantly learning, growing, and transforming.

Why it is a gradual, daily, and sometimes painful process to transform into the next version of ourselves.



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