Episode #2 A Frog in Boiling Water or Becoming Aware of Your Circumstances

Episode #2:

A Frog in Boiling Water or Becoming Aware of Your Circumstances

Have you ever heard the fable about the frog in boiling water? It’s the old story that claims if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, it would jump out immediately. But if you put the frog in normal water and slowly raise it to a boil, the frog wouldn’t notice and would get cooked.

It’s not the nicest story, but it does illustrate the important concept I want to talk to you about today: awareness. On our path to becoming our own Virtuosa, we need to become aware of what our current circumstances and problems are if we’re going to change them. 

 In this episode I’m talking about how to become aware of your circumstances and how we try to avoid them. We’ll discuss feeling stuck and buffering, and chat about how we can stop feeling stuck or distracting ourselves from our feelings. I’ll even share an exercise with you to help you identify those places.  

I also have a couple more challenge questions for you to ask yourself this week, and your answers will be super helpful for next episode.


Why we are more likely to put up with things we don’t like when they come on gradually.

How to become aware of the things in your life you’d like to change.

What buffering is and how it affects our lives and happiness.

An exercise for figuring out where you’re stuck and where you’re buffering.

Why cultivating awareness about your current circumstancves and what you actually want is the next step in your transformation.



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