Episode 31 How to Believe New Things with Janet Cagle

Episode 31 How to Believe New Things with Janet Cagle

Episode #31: How to Believe New Things with Janet Cagle Hello, my virtuosas, what an amazing episode I have for you today! We have a lot of wisdom and actionable items for you today, and this episode will be so useful and encouraging to you in your journey of personal...
Episode 29 How to Allow Urges with Penny Gambill

Episode 29 How to Allow Urges with Penny Gambill

Episode #29: How to Allow Urges with Penny Gambill Have you ever noticed that when you tell yourself to stop doing something and really focus on not doing it, you seem to want it even more?! There’s a scientific reason to that – your brain thinks you need it...
Episode 27 Healing All The ‘isms’

Episode 27 Healing All The ‘isms’

Episode #27: Healing All The ‘isms’ I’m so excited to share this week’s lesson with you and discuss a hugely important theme. I’ll be talking about the ‘isms’ that so many of us face in today’s world. Racism, sexism, ageism, nationalism – the list is...
Episode 26 How to Feel Better with Donna Oborne

Episode 26 How to Feel Better with Donna Oborne

Episode #26: How to Feel Better with Donna Oborne When we think about what we really want in life, so many of us think that we just want to feel better. There are a lot of people not feeling good right now, and with everything going on, it can be hard to stay...