Episode 33 Soul Healing Sundays: Sufficiency Mindset

Episode #33:

Soul Healing Sundays: Sufficiency Mindset

How many times a day do you think ‘I don’t have enough’ or ‘there isn’t enough’ or ‘I need more’? We’re constantly thinking we don’t have enough of something, but we actually have plenty. We just need to increase our capacity to realize our sufficiency and choose appropriately what to spend our time and focus on.

It’s so easy to focus on what we lack instead of what we have, but what we fail to realize is that we create lack or scarcity in our resources with our beliefs. With our inability to judge when we have sufficiency, we develop a habit and mindset that can be difficult to overcome. When we have this limitation mindset, we run the risk of thinking that as well as not having enough, we are not enough.

Tune in this week where I’ll be sharing five main areas we feel a lack in our lives and explain why we feel that way. I’ll show you why scarcity is a myth and why there is so much abundance in the universe, but we have to be open to receiving it. It’s time to learn to let go of the lack mindset! Remember, you have enough and you are enough.


How to convert your scarcity mindset into a sufficiency mindset.

What consumerism is and why it is such a problem.

Some exercises you can do to practice sufficiency.

The importance of prioritizing things that are important to you.

How to apply gratitude and appreciation to your life as it is right now.



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