Episode 31 How to Believe New Things with Janet Cagle

Episode #31:

How to Believe New Things with Janet Cagle

Hello, my virtuosas, what an amazing episode I have for you today! We have a lot of wisdom and actionable items for you today, and this episode will be so useful and encouraging to you in your journey of personal growth! We’ll be talking about changing your thoughts and believing new things, and who better to show us how to do that than certified Life Coach and Business Strategist Janet Cagle.

Founder of The 10-Minute Mind Shift Podcast, Janet Cagle is one of the most positive and uplifting people I know. After going through several transformational experiences in her life, she took the leap into life coaching and now helps others up-level their lives and become their virtuosa selves. She joins us today to tell us how to change our beliefs and use new ones to move forward in our lives.

Join us on the podcast this week where we’ll be discussing why it is when you believe in the possibility of creating a result that you’ll see the result. We’ll learn how to challenge our thoughts and replace them with new ones, and share four practical steps you can take to get from where you are now to where you want to go. As Brooke Castillo says, your willingness to be uncomfortable is your currency for success. It’s time to change the way you think!


How to change your thoughts and transform your beliefs.

Why your beliefs aren’t always true and how they might be making you show up in a certain way.

Why a belief is just a thought you have thought over and over again.

Why you are in charge of which thoughts to prove true.

How to use your thoughts to change your life.



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