Episode 27 Healing all the 'isms'

Episode #27:

Healing All The ‘isms’

I’m so excited to share this week’s lesson with you and discuss a hugely important theme. I’ll be talking about the ‘isms’ that so many of us face in today’s world. Racism, sexism, ageism, nationalism – the list is endless! There are so many ‘isms’ to contend with, and like so many others, I have been subjected to many of these throughout my life. But what type of behaviors constitute an ‘ism’, and how should we deal with them?

My definition of an ‘ism’ is when an individual or group of people think, feel, and behave in a way that suggests they are superior to another person or group of people. We may find ourselves as a victim or a perpetrator – sometimes without even knowing it. But we are all equal, and we shouldn’t be putting ourselves above anybody else. 

Tune in this week where I’ll discuss why we should all show more compassion to one another, regardless of superficial characteristics. I’ll share some examples of ‘ism’ behavior as well as tips to manage them, and explain how we can use revolutionary love to heal the ‘isms’. Remember, love draws a bigger circle.


What an ‘ism’ is and how to identify it.

The difference between an ‘ism’ and a neutral characteristic.

How ‘isms’ show up in your life.

Why your circumstances do not condone your ‘ism’ behaviors.

How to practice revolutionary love and compassion for yourself and others.



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